segunda-feira, 11 de agosto de 2008

To Gisley my Love

I will waste no time allowing something to come between us my love. I knew some things were potential problems and that removing them would cost some pain but it had to be done. I feel very good about this change in our life. Only God and us should have the power to impact out relationship because at the end of the day we are always here for each other.I am still bothered by the fact someone could intentionally set out to ruin what we have but as Jesus said,"Dont be suprised if the world hates you, it hates me before it hated you." Anytime we do something that is God's will, Satan hates it and will use all he can and whomever he can do destroy it. It is ashamed the enemy can use people who (call themselves) Christians to do it.After the smoke settles and the fires die, you will find that I am still here. Ready to love you, ready to lead you, ready to give anything I can for you.I love you Gisley, please never stop loving me. Keep my heart, I dont want it back.

2 comentários:

  1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  2. Babe:)!
    Thats so cute of you awww :)!!!
    It doesnt matter what happens, we will make it :)!!!

    This situation was only a divine 'internship' that in the end we will make us stronger...
    we will get a perseverance certificate , u will see :)!

    Love u!

    Mwah Mwah !

    Gi :)!


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