quinta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2008

2008 Guidelines for a New Testament Church part 3

TEXT: 1Timothy 3:
One day I was discussing with someone the qualifications of a Pastor and she got rather mad at my calm quotations from the Bible and she yelled,” HUMAN BEING, HUMAN BEING!” Well of course God never called an animal to be a Pastor but at the same time, God never said that being a human was a qualification either. Being the head of the church is a huge responsibility and even qualified men can make mistakes because of our sin nature. This is why God makes it clear exactly the type of person He wants for a Pastor:
Did you see any indication that the head of a church could be a woman? No, in fact everything was clearly aimed at a man. Do you have a problem with this? Well, don’t get mad at me, get mad at God, He is the one who said it. Although I highly recommend that you don’t question the Almighty.
V. 1-7
Deacons are men in the church who help the Pastor since the Pastor cannot and should not do it all. The qualifications for a deacon are very similar to the qualifications of a Pastor because they have a very similar role.
A. Respectful to God and others in honor
B. Married and not divorced (currently or ever)
C. Not a Drinker
D. Stable Mind
E. Well Behaved (a clean conscience)
F. Hospitable (Kind and Helping to Others)
G. Not Greedy for Money, Power, or things other people have, Etc
H. A man who has good control of his household, his home, the family that lives with him.
V. 8-13

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