quarta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2008


Distance by thousands of miles long

Separated by waters billions of gallons strong

Culture differences stand in our way

We cannot be together day after day

People try to destroy us as a team

Stress threatens to rip our love at the seam

Satan plants seeds of anxiety and doubt

Time won't wait but time runs out

Busy schedules can make memories fade

Daily trials could intimidate what we've made

There are days that we are gripped by fear

Yet through it all...... STILL HERE

I love you Gisley and I am never going anywhere!

2 comentários:

  1. Still there and we will always be, because thats how God intented and not the man. No wonder why some people want to destroy it, because they just can't have it. But once I saw in a messenger headline of my relatives:

    The man can´t curse what God just blesses

    That's sooooo true :)!

    No matter what, no matter how where and when , we will always be there for each other and we will always have God and His grace and love on our side and that´s enough!

    LOVE U !

    Gigi :)!


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Divirta-se e volte sempre :)!

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